Ahmad Mesleh: Lens on the Fire Front
Check out the short new video documentary on Youtube: Lens on the Fire Front. This video documentary captures a day in the life of one of the most active and talented Palestinian photographers, Ahmad Mesleh.
The photo’s of this talented sharpshooter have traveled all over the world, and he is quickly gaining fame as being one of the most effective photographers who give citizens of the world an opportunity to get a penetrating view on what is happening in Palestine under the savage cruelty of the Israeli occupiers. Ahmad takes stunning pictures not only of anti-wall demonstrations and gun-wielding zionist soldiers, but also of the beauty of Palestine’s nature, olive plantations, children and traditions.
However, he does not shy away from putting himself in the line of fire. To him, only one thing counts: telling the story of Palestine, a story kept largely in the dark by zionist-influenced and owned Western mass media. It is Ahmad’s mission to shed light on this darkness, and he does so with resilience, dedication, and an impressive talent for capturing the action in a visually attractive and telling way. Watch the Youtube documentary posted below, and visit his Facebook page, where he has posted hundreds of his photo’s in captivating albums.

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