New Doc Jazz song: Al Jeel Al Jadeed
The first of a series of new Doc Jazz songs in Arabic is finished! It is called ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’, which means ‘The New Generation’. It has not been published or released online yet. Still, there is a way for you to become among the very first people who get to hear it, way before its official release! Read on until the end to find out how.
‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ is a very funky and rhythmical song, with a positive mood. This fits the message of the song: it’s a call against sectarian strife, calling upon people to embrace one another in unity, accept the diversity that exists among the people of a nation, respect each others differences, and put an end to violence and upheaval. It’s meant to be a bright and uplifting message in dark and difficult times.
What sets it apart from most other songs in Arabic, is its musical style. For those who know the music of Doc Jazz, this funky and danceable style is not entirely unfamiliar, but to hear this sound in combination with Arabic lyrics is rather unusual in the Middle East. What you are also likely to notice, is a funkier, more modern, and smoother sound in the production than previous Doc Jazz releases.
Are you curious yet? Well, you can be one of the first to hear it, if you complete the form below and click on the button. The first 50 people who send a request will receive an email that contains the lyrics in Arabic (complete with English and Dutch translation) and a 320 kbps mp3 file of the song.
How to get the song
Don’t hesitate, don’t wait, don’t be late! After all, you have nothing to lose: you will receive the song and the lyrics entirely FREE of charge. If you like the song, please help in creating a buzz by publishing your enthusiasm about it on social media and other online venues. This would be highly appreciated!
NOTE: this pre-release promotion has ended already. The results of the pilot study about the song were published here: . We thank all who participated, and apologize to those who came too late. No worries, when the song comes out everyone will have a chance to hear it!

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