New music video ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ scheduled for release this Friday
The release date for the new song and music video ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ is finally coming near!
The montage is finished and the video is currently undergoing the post-production process. The plan is to release it on Youtube this Friday, October 11th!
The Musical Intifada is very excited about this new release, and we hope that you will enjoy it too. The song aims to send a message of unity out into the world, and the music video was shot largely in Gaza, under the creative direction of well-known Palestinian artist and English literature student Shahd Abusalama.
The result is a vibrant and positive message involving a good number of youths from Gaza from diverse backgrounds. The beauty of this harmonious cooperation across all sectarian lines can be felt in the energetic atmosphere that is expressed in the music video.
‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ in Arabic means ‘The New Generation’. This generation is just as attached to its cultural and historical roots and to the Palestinian homeland as all previous generations, but the song explicitly calls for unity as the proper way forward. This message of unity extends to the entire Arab world, and indeed, to the entirety of humanity. For this purpose, the Youtube release of this Arabic song – which has a rather unorthodox modern beat – will be accompanied by English subtitles, in order for its message to be accessible to a wider audience.
Please share this announcement widely, and stay tuned for the release this coming Friday of ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’, the new single by Palestinian artist Doc Jazz!

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