And They Think that’s Enough – a poem by Doc Jazz
They look at us and smile
While talking in that style
Of wanting ‘best for all’
Yet they ignore our call
They tell us to say ‘peace’
To pray for our release
From enemies well-known
From hatred that is sown
They act like they are wise
And violence they despise
Because its not their town
But ours that was torn down
Yet still
Oh Deir Yasin …
They say that they’re our friends
And try to wash their hands
In innocence so stained
How can it be regained
They tell us to rejoice
At sounds we hear as noise
At food we taste as poison
At folks they test their toys on
And still
Oh Jenin …
They say they’re in the middle
And the conflict is a riddle
To refrain from choosing sides
Is what they deem as ‘wise’
They say they’re civilized
Our anger is despised
Our tears shall be ignored
Our fists shall be abhorred
Oh Karameh …
They fail to see the wrongs
Of silence that belongs
To the silence of the weak
Of those who fail to speak
Yes, you are an accomplice
Yes, you who failed to scold this
Yet chose those feeble words
Words that uphold this curse
Yet still
Oh Gaza …
They look at us and smile
While talking in that style
That spineless ‘life is rough’
And they think it’s enough
They witnessed what was done
And how the crime went on
But they talk of peace and love
And they think that’s enough
And they do know
Yes, they do know
But still
Oh Nakba …
A child that lost its eyes
A mother’s heart that cries
The justice that was raped
The culprits who escaped
The thousands who are killed
The soldiers who are drilled
To never spare their lives
Not even moms and wives
And still
Oh white phosphorous raining from the sky
Oh depleted uranium burning in my eye
They talk of peace and love
And they think that’s enough

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