Author: Doc Jazz

Articles by Doc Jazz

Get the book ‘Understanding Palestine’ for FREE

Good news for people who like free e-books! This may also be pleasant for people who don’t like buying things online, or can’t afford to. You can now get Tariq Shadid’s 358-page book ‘Understanding Palestine’, entirely free of charge! With this new option added, there are four ways to obtain this book: you can buy the paperback version on Amazon,...

Life of Bilal Kayed, hunger striker in Israeli prison, hanging by a thread

Bilal Kayed, Palestinian political prisoner, has been on a courageous hunger strike since June 15. He started it on the day the Israelis placed him under administrative detention. This was actually the same day when his release was due, after serving 14 and a half years in the Israeli military prison system of the occupation. Allegedly, the reason for his...

Anwar and her bike

As if taking a bike from a Palestinian child is how cruel ‘Israel’ gets

By Tariq Shadid – On Monday, the Israeli non-governmental group B’Tselem posted a video recorded by one of their volunteers. It displayed an incident that took place on July 25th, showing how an 8 year old Palestinian girl in Al Khalil (Hebron) had her bike confiscated by Israeli soldiers. The story penetrated into mainstream media, especially after Al Jazeera had...

Tariq Ramadan endorses Why the Innocent on social media

Hello, friends and fans. This is a happy blog post, I hope you are willing to read it. Yesterday was a special day for my music, and I would like to share with you why. The reason is: for the first time since I started publishing my music online, which is around the beginning of the century, a truly high-profile...