Author: Doc Jazz

Satirical Galloway imitation video challenges people to think

A new satirical video released yesterday by Palestinian artist Doc Jazz, proved to be quite a challenge for its viewers. This, of course, is one of the purposes of political satire: inviting people to think, while providing them with a good laugh at the same time. Some people really understood the gist of the video; some apparently were confused by...

Satire video about Israeli pressure on Sweden causes a stir on Facebook

I don’t usually do satire videos, but I know the first one I did almost 3 years ago quickly became the most watched video I had ever published on my Youtube channel. Yesterday, I had some inspiration to do another one, that I published on Facebook, and it also gained views very fast. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? The video...

Ik geloof alleen in de bevrijding van Palestina, niet in concessies aan de Zionistische entiteit – Doc Jazz

Tariq Shadid, de Palestijnse chirurg en musicus met artiestennaam Doc Jazz, werd geïnterviewd door de Duitse website ProMozaik. In het interview beantwoordt hij vragen over de rol van muziek in de strijd, de rol van de media, de houding van Duitse politici en de solidariteit in Turkse kringen. Het oorspronkelijke interview werd gevoerd in het Engels en is hier te...