Author: Doc Jazz

Over kutmarokkanen, fokking Joden, en het Grote Verschil

‘Fokking Joden’: je wordt massaal aan het kruis genageld. ‘Kutmarokkanen’: je wordt gevierd als een landelijke held, en je nieuwgevonden woord wordt opgenomen in de Dikke Van Dale. Rapper Ismo heeft dankzij Pownews de gemoederen flink opgeschud, doordat sommige van zijn teksten in zijn debuutclip ‘Eenmans’ het establishment recht tegen de haren instreken. Het is echter wel schrijnend dat ‘fokking...

Voices of Resistance: The Mixtape by FRFI, available now for download!

Doc Jazz has contributed his song ‘Intifada’ to the new mixtape ‘Voices of Resistance’, that was released on May 1, 2014 by Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism (FRFI) from Britain. Here follows their announcement. Voices of Resistance opens the stage to hear from revolutionary youth in Britain and around the world. Presented by the Britain-based activist organisation Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!,...

New review of Doc Jazz album Front Door Key on Jamsphere

Doc Jazz’s album Front Door Key received a beautiful review on Jamsphere, the Indie music magazine and radio network. It features the new promo video for the album, the Soundcloud playlist, and some wonderful words of praise, lauding the message, the music and the lyrics. Jamsphere is an outlet with a wide reach, boasting over 325,000 Twitter followers and over...

Doc Jazz releases promo video for his album Front Door Key

Some good news: Doc Jazz has released a promo video for his album Front Door Key, dedicated to the memory of the late Forrest Thomas, the American producer of the album. The album is not new; in fact it is from 2007, and was released shortly before Doc Jazz emigrated from the Netherlands to the UAE. However, due to circumstances,...