Author: Doc Jazz

Report on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli Occupation Prisons

Palestinian Prisoners’ Club – Ramallah – Report published April 15 –  Palestinian prisoners’ nationalism is intimately associated with the long struggle of the Palestinians with the Zionist movement and subsequently the State of Israel that was created on the historical land of Palestine and resulted in displacement of one third of the Palestinian people on the hands of Zionist militias...

Samer Issawi

Samer Issawi’s Brief van de Overwinning

Vertaling door Tariq Shadid – oorspronkelijke tekst in het Arabisch is hier te vinden. Allahu akbar wa lillahi el hamdAllahu akbar wa lillahi el hamdAllahu akbar wa lillahi el hamd (God is groot, geprezen zij God) Vooraleerst dank ik Allah voor deze overwinning, en voor de vrijgevigheid waarmee Hij mij deze geschonken heeft. Ik wil deze brief beginnen met het...

Samer Issawi

Samer Issawi’s Victory Letter – English and Arabic

(translation by Tariq Shadid – see Arabic original below) God is Great, Praise be to GodGod is Great, Praise be to GodGod is Great, Praise be to God I thank God above all for this victory, and for his generosity in granting it to me. To start this letter, I would like to offer my apology to all who supported...

Samer Issawi Wins !

Samer Issawi Wins! Thank you Twitterstormers! Overview of your hard work

You must have heard it by now: Samer Issawi, in an incredible victory over his Zionist oppressors, has managed to force the Israeli military occupation on its knees with nothing but an empty stomach, and make them accept a deal to release him. He will be released on December 23, 2013, and has agreed to end his 278 day hunger...