Author: Doc Jazz

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The ongoing interview: Doc Jazz on

I first ran into by seeing other Twitter friends answering questions on it, and seeing their answers pop up in their tweets. To tell you the truth, I found it rather silly. At some point however, I joined, just for the heck of it, probably in a moment of boredom. Since then, the number of Q & A’s has...

Tariq Shadid

Eigenwaarde voorop!

Door Tariq Shadid – Als je behoort tot een minderheidsgroepering die steeds opnieuw het mikpunt is van hetzes in de media en de politiek, zit je in een allerminst benijdenswaardige situatie. Je kunt uiteraard proberen de waanzin volledig naast je neer te leggen, en je alleen maar te richten op je eigen kring van familie, vrienden en collega’s. Voor sommigen...

Netanyahu at Al Buraq Wall

Jerusalem: Israel grabs last remaining Muslim area

  Middle East Monitor – Israel has accelerated its digging and destruction around the Al-Magharbeh Gates, which is an essential part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Al-Aqsa Foundation for Islamic Endowments and Heritage said in a statement on Thursday.   “Dozens of workers are working on a daily basis to clear the underground ways connecting Israeli synagogues with the Al-Buraq...

Mosque burning in Netherlands

Islam-hatred in the Netherlands spinning out of control

On Saturday April 6th, at 5.30 in the morning, a mosque in the Dutch town of Enkhuizen was found on fire. Firemen were said to  have been able to quell the fire quickly, but were apparently unable to save the building. The mosque, housed in a former school building at the Tureluurshof, was targeted by arsonists before, in 2011. The...