Category: Articles

Regresaron las Twitterstorms! Alaa Hammad, prisionero político en una cárcel israelí

Traducción por Bea Essedin – Desafortunadamente, las Twitterstorms [avalancha de mensajes enviados por Twitter] por los prisioneros políticos palestinos, no pasan de moda. La razón de esto es que el estado racista sionista sigue violando los derechos humanos de los prisioneros políticos palestinos, incluso los de quienes no están bajo su falsa e ilegítima “jurisdicción”.   Las campañas son ahora...

Alaa Hammad

Twitterstorms are back! Alaa Hammad, political prisoner in Israeli jail

Unfortunately, Twitterstorms for Palestinian political prisoners do not go out of fashion. The reason for this is that the racist Zionist state continues to violate the human rights of Palestinian political prisoners, even including those who do not fall under their false and illegitimate ‘jurisdiction’.   Campaigning is now on for Alaa Hammad, Palestinian Jerusalemite with a Jordanian citizenship, who...

Al Jeel Al Jadeed

Tweep support for ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’

Welcome to the age of social media! And because these are the times we live in, it definitely matters what you do, say, or tweet.   I suddenly found out how you can embed tweets into website posts (silly me that I never researched that before, although I had seen it on other websites). I wanted to embed a whole...

Screenshot from 'Al Jeel Al Jadeed'

‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ was down, but it’s back again!

‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’, my new music video, apparently remains on the stormy track it has been on from the very birth of the song. Yesterday, due to certain circumstances, I have had to take the song down from Youtube and make a new edit for the video. The good news is: it’s online again! The bad news is, it...