Category: Articles

Evolution of music consumerism – a short trip through time

Evolution of music consumerism – a short trip through time

1. The old age: no musician, no music. As simple as that, unless you count singing in the bathroom as music. 2. The phonograph age: rich people could have professionally played music whenever they wanted to hear it. 3. The radio age: songs were heard by a wider audience. Ordinary people started to hear recorded music too.

Shahd Abusalama

Coming soon: Gaza youth music video ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’

Palestinian artist Doc Jazz’s new Arabic song ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ (‘The New Generation’), which has not been released to the public yet, has a music video in the making that was filmed in Gaza with the participation of many youths from various backgrounds. The video marks the debut of widely known Palestinian artist and blogger Shahd Abusalama as creative...

Pre-release pilot study of Al Jeel Al Jadeed: results

On September 1, an email was sent out to a small group of people containing the mp3 file of the finished new Arabic song ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’. The next day, an opportunity was given to 50 volunteers to test-drive the song on their mp3-players before its release, after answering a few survey questions. This little article contains an analysis...

Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz comes back: new beginnings

If you are a regular visitor to my website, a member of my Facebook page, or a follower on Twitter, you may have noticed that my Musical Intifada project has gone through a period of relative silence. Well – I am back now, and I want to clarify a few things about what you can expect in times to come....