Category: Articles

Palestinian flags

Khawaja take a back seat: Palestine speaks

By Tariq Shadid – Every nation with a colonial history is burdened by it to some extent: the ‘white savior complex’. So far, very few have emerged from their state of Western colonial subjugation into a phase of nationwide prosperity, peace and stability. Apart from the many factors that lie at the heart of these post-colonial challenges, including ‘neo-colonial’ corporate...

'Hungry' was composed for Samer Issawi

Did ‘Hungry’ make a difference? Ask a Genie!

The Musical Intifada does not have a section where emails from fans and visitors are routinely published. After all, this site is not a ‘magazine’. However, I received an email from a fan that I found so thought-provoking that I decided to publish some of the communication here, with permission of course. The sender calls herself ‘Genie’, which apparently is...

Report on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli Occupation Prisons

Palestinian Prisoners’ Club – Ramallah – Report published April 15 –  Palestinian prisoners’ nationalism is intimately associated with the long struggle of the Palestinians with the Zionist movement and subsequently the State of Israel that was created on the historical land of Palestine and resulted in displacement of one third of the Palestinian people on the hands of Zionist militias...