Category: Song news

Stare It In The Face video is a hit on Facebook

The new Intifada song by Doc Jazz, ‘Stare It In The Face’, has gone down very well with audiences on Facebook. Gripped by its powerful lyrics, its compelling beat, its determined hooks and its attention-grabbing lyrics video, pro-Palestine audiences from all over the planet widely embraced the song and rewarded it with words of praise, and a considerable amount of...

Doc Jazz releases new music video – Stare It In The Face

Palestinian artist Doc Jazz has released a new music video, relating to the current turmoil in Occupied Palestine. In this post, you will find the embedded video, as well as the lyrics. The title of the song is “Stare It In The Face”, and as the description has it, it is ‘inspired by the proud attitude of the Palestinian resistance,...

Doc Jazz on Wordpress

It Takes Love – Doc Jazz releases his first non-political music video

For the first time in his public musical career, Palestinian musician Doc Jazz, known mostly for his political songs in support of the Palestinian cause, has released a music video for an entirely new, but non-political song. It is definitely not his first song that deals with something other than the cause, but it is the first time a song...

Rising Tide uploaded to Facebook – an interesting lesson in social media

The main purpose of this post is to let everyone know that Doc Jazz’s new song ‘Rising Tide’ has now been uploaded directly to the video directory of the Doc Jazz Facebook Page. However, this was done as the result of an interesting (and frustrating) experience that contains a lesson for everyone who uses Facebook as their main social media...