Doc Jazz FB page passes 25,000 members
The number of Doc Jazz Facebook fans has been on a steady rise that started ever since his performance in Al Quds University in Palestine, in October 2009. Less than a year ago, in September 2011, we were happy and humbled to announce having passed the 15,000 member count, and now the counter has hit 25,000 and beyond!
Again, we must express our gratitude to all those Palestine-supporters out there who have joined the page. This time, you will get an insight into who they are. If you read on, your questions will be answered: who are these (awesome!) people? Where do they come from? What is their average age?
Before we have a look at that, we must say that two things have changed since that last milestone that may have played a role in increasing interest in the musical endeavors of Doc Jazz.
One change is the fact that after a good 10 years of running the entire project alone, Doc Jazz has now been joined by a team of four dedicated supporters who help propagate and improve the Musical Intifada. Their names are Sadika Arab, Rachid Eznaden, Imane M. and Hanane Harram. Undoubtedly, their supportive efforts have played a big role in pushing the music of Doc Jazz forward.
The other change is the increased Twitter activity of Doc Jazz. A major supportive role was played in this by the weblog Occupied Palestine. As you can see, Doc Jazz now has many thousands of followers on Twitter, and the number keeps rising.
You are invited to have a look at the statistics proved by the ‘Insights’ function of the Doc Jazz Facebook page. Some of the findings may not be so surprising, while others may be true eye-openers.
We can draw a few quick conclusions if we see these numbers: the vast majority of Doc Jazz fans are below the age of 24. Check out the graph to see the age and gender distribution (click to enlarge). It also seems that the music of Doc Jazz appeals more to male than to female listeners.
The largest body of support comes from Palestine, with Gaza being the top city in Palestine. The number one city where Doc Jazz fans live is Amman (or is it Irbid? the FB description is a bit confusing) in Jordan, which also has a large Palestinian population. The city in the ‘West Bank’ part of Palestine with the most Doc Jazz followers is Nablus.
What is also striking is the high number of fans from Egypt. We must applaud the revolutionary spirit of the people of Egypt, and thank them for supporting this Palestinian project! Both Cairo and Alexandria rank in the top 7 of cities.
It is also quite interesting to see that there is a gap between the number of supporters from Middle Eastern countries and those from outside of the region. While fans from Palestine, Jordan and Egypt number in the thousands, fans from more distant locations are of a considerably smaller number. A growing number of supporters comes from the United States of America. It is hoped that this number will increase more significantly after Doc Jazz’s upcoming concert in California in October this year. You will hear more about this soon !
While Facebook unfortunately describes it as ‘Israel’, it is estimated that most of these fans come from Jerusalem. As we all know, Facebook has made the decision to include Jerusalem in ‘Israel’, a decision that violates international law and conventions.
It is lovely to see Indonesia in the top 7. The aim of the music of Doc Jazz is to propagate the Palestinian cause in all corners of the globe, using the international strength of the English language as a vehicle. Morocco is known to be a country with a population that is highly supportive of the Palestinian cause, and closes the ranks of the top 7. Not bad, considering that Moroccans generally have more affinity with the French language instead of English.
All in all, the Musical Intifada accepts this widespread support with gratitude. We hope that supporters will help the music be heard by an even wider audience, and that they can help making the music and the message heard in many other countries of the world. Please note that the first 12 songs on the Soundclick playlist can be downloaded for free! Celebrate this new milestone with us, and help yourself to these mp3’s that lift up your spirits to remain always in support of the Palestinian cause.
The Musical Intifada

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