Doc Jazz is a Palestinian multi-instrumentalist, who has written a great number of songs. Many of these are available online. Nowadays, there are many platforms for the distribution of music, and many users have their own specific preferences. On this page, we try to cater to your wishes by providing you with the links to these many different platforms. Meanwhile, bear with us as we try to keep up with all that is available out there.
“I have been a sound engineer for over 25 years and rarely have I heard music played and sung with such conviction. Yes, there are many love songs, songs about this and that, but not many written with such depth and meaning as I heard from Doc Jazz’s back log of over 100 songs. ” Kevin Kearney – Healing Hands of Doc Jazz
“This is a more sophisticated type of music that requires you to take time and really listen, but if you do, you are very likely to be captivated. You will encounter hip-hop, rock, funky jazz-pop, piano ballads, Palestinian folkloric music and modern Arabic music, and this description still doesn’t cover everything you can find in his impressive repertoire.” Sahar Mansour – Palestine’s musical life line is ‘Doc Jazz’: Medic and musician extraordinaire
“You must really acquaint yourself with the music of Doc Jazz. Seriously, you must, especially if you are interested in the Palestinian cause. He covers so many different genres, that I have no doubt that there is something there for everyone.” Fred Mullins – Doc Jazz: music of resistance for the sophisticated
Read more reviews here – but better yet, go check out the music!
Links to the songs at the various platforms
Doc Jazz on Soundclick – the most complete and updated directory of (more than 100) Doc Jazz songs, and the place where you can download high-quality mp3’s for FREE.
Albums by Doc Jazz
Instead of only streaming mp3’s, or downloading them to your device, wouldn’t you like to own a durable hard copy version of one of Doc Jazz’s albums? They are available at the Palestine Online Store, and having a real album in your hands feels so much better, doesn’t it?

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