Doc Jazz interviewed on Palestinian radio program from Ramallah
On May 27th, Doc Jazz was interviewed by Mahmoud Hrebat in his radio show “Dot Com”, broadcast by the station 24FM. Through a Skype connection, Mahmoud asked Doc Jazz questions about his connection to Palestine, his music, the role of social media, and other aspects of the Musical Intifada.
What was also discussed was how music can play a role in promoting the Palestinian cause, which led Doc Jazz to present the example of how his song ‘Hungry’ helped to draw attention to the cause of Samer Issawi during his legendary hunger strike.
It’s not the first time that Doc Jazz was featured in Palestinian media, but it is the first time he was interviewed on Palestinian radio.
The audio of the show was captured from Hrebat’s Soundcloud page, and given English subtitles, so that those who don’t understand Arabic can still follow the program. It was published on Doc Jazz’s Facebook page. You can find the video here below and stream it.
Doc Jazz on Palestinian radio station 24FM on May 27 2015Doc Jazz was interviewed on Palestinian radio by Mahmoud Hrebat in his radio program Dot.Com, a show that is focused on social media activism, broadcasting from Ramallah on the radio station 24FM. This video has the entire clip of the interview, and has English subtitles, although the show, of course, is in Arabic.The full program can be heard here:
Posted by Doc Jazz on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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