NEW: Doc Jazz mobile app for Android
For owners of an Android phone there is some new functionality: a Doc Jazz mobile app! This app comes as part of a service provided by ReverbNation and can be downloaded for free.
There has been a Doc Jazz presence on ReverbNation for a few years now, but it has recently been updated. The main repository of Doc Jazz songs is still Soundclick, but some of the functions that ReverbNation provides have been found to be really useful.
The ReverbNation page has also been merged with Facebook, which makes it all the more interesting. Check it out!
As for those who use iPhones or other mobile systems: sorry, we don’t have an app for you, at least not yet! Perhaps one can be provided in the future, if the Android one is found to be really useful and if there appears to be enough demand for one.
You can download the Android app by clicking on this link.
In the mean time, check out Doc Jazz on ReverbNation, and stay in touch!

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