Impressions from the Doc Jazz tour in the Netherlands
Doc Jazz has had an eventful week in the Netherlands and Belgium, with 4 performances, 3 radio appearances and an interview with a Dutch magazine, which all took place between May 13 and May 21.
The performances were at fundraising events for causes relating to Palestine; the event in Brussels was aimed at collecting funds for the Askar refugee camp in Nablus, while the remaining ones were meant to help finance the Dutch boat in the upcoming Gaza Flotilla. On top of all this, Doc Jazz was also followed on his tour by a Moroccan film-making couple from Belgium, who are making a documentary about him and his music.
The atmosphere at Doc Jazz’s performances was excellent, and the radio appearances went smoothly. All shows combined, Doc Jazz had almost one and a half hour of air time on Dutch radio, and he played live songs on his guitar in all 3 of them.
Doc Jazz: ‘The atmosphere was great, at times even electric, but since I don’t live there anymore it is quite unlikely that I will do another live gig there anytime soon, at least I think not in the coming years. Fortunately there are requests for live gigs in other countries, and I am looking forward to finding out how those will go down.’
In the video clips below, you can have an idea about the performances that were given by Doc Jazz, on the Palestinian shibbabeh, the acoustic guitar, and with pre-recorded backing tracks. Much of the material which was recorded has not been processed yet, and will hopefully be published in the near future.

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