A Facebook Milestone – thanks to YOU
When I first entered Facebook, I was a little skeptical about the whole thing. I was never too impressed with Myspace, where my friends list was growing rapidly but I felt there was little interaction on my Doc Jazz page there – so I expected Facebook to simply be more of the same.
How wrong I turned out to be! Only yesterday, the number of fans who have ‘liked’ my Doc Jazz fan page, has crossed that magical line of 10,000, and I am amazed and filled with gratitude. I so appreciate your comments and interactions, you really have no idea!
This is why I decided to write this little blog entry, with a big THANK YOU for all you wonderful people who were supportive enough of my musical efforts to click on ‘Like’ and join the ‘club’. I guess it means I am doing something right, and it also is a big boost for me to continue doing what I do.
The wonderful thing about Facebook pages is that it also provides you with certain statistics, and these show that approximately 40 % of my fans are from Jordan, and close to 30 % from Palestine. I also have fans from other Arabic countries, most notably Egypt and Lebanon, but there are also two non-Arabic countries that have a marked presence on the list that I hadn’t immediately expected: Indonesia, and Mexico!
Since the majority of my songs are in English, and the musical style of many of the songs is well-tuned to the Western ear, I am hoping that more people from Europe and the United States will also join the page. I am sure that many of you have friends in those regions, and you will be of tremendous help if you invite people from those countries to the page.
Sending the message
If you do, you will be helping to send the message to all corners of the world – and it is those Western countries where Israeli propaganda is the most rampant, and who are most in need of hearing a Palestinian message in an accessible way, with lyrics they can all understand!
So, once again – thank you very much, and I will do my best to not disappoint you, by continuing to put out songs and videos that call for the liberation of Palestine!
The live experience
One last thing: I am definitely willing to perform at any pro-Palestine festival in the world, if I am invited. Among the many videos you can see the live performances – some with a backing band, and some alone – and if you feel that you would like to experience the live show, encourage your local organizers to invite me over for a performance!
Please keep pressing for justice in Palestine, and I am with you all the way!
Yours sincerely,
Doc Jazz

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