First release of album INTIFADA in Lyon, France
Today, the first hard copies of the Doc Jazz’s new album ‘Intifada’ have arrived in France ! Those who live in or around Lyon can obtain a CD by sending an email with their name and address to docjazz(a), and will be contacted by the sales representative in Lyon for information about payment and delivery.
So, if you are in Lyon or somewhere near it, you can be one of the first people on the globe to be in the possession of this new album!
Those who wish to obtain the CD by buying it online, are going to have to wait a little while longer. Arrangements are being made to have it sold through the Palestine Online Store at, which also is the only online place where you can obtain an authentic copy of the album Front Door Key. Once INTIFADA is available there, it will be made public through this website.
For the time being, French Doc Jazz fans have an advantage over other fans elsewhere. Therefore, don’t hesitate, and send that email ! Have a look at the pictures on this web page, and you will see why a true Palestine-supporter will consider this album to be a must-have for his CD-collection. Click to see a larger version of the images.

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