Download ‘Love in the Time of Corona’ for free!
‘Love in the Time of Corona’, my new album, was launched yesterday on CDBaby. When you open the page, you can stream the whole album. This can also be done at Hearnow. However, if you want the album for yourself, you would normally have to pay $9.99 to download it.

As more and more countries slide into a lockdown situation because of the virus pandemic, people will increasingly find their financial situation under pressure. Therefore, I have decided to make the album available for free.
In a new interview, that was published only yesterday, I said the following:
“And don’t forget, my album says: LOVE in the time of corona. Read it as an urgent advice. Spread love around you, look after your loved ones, focus on giving instead of on taking, it will all come back to you threefold.”
Go ahead and read the rest of the interview if you are curious.
Album for free
I never made ‘Love in the Time of Corona’ with the objective of making money off of it. However, I hope you understand that creating this album has been quite expensive. Just imagine how much it will cost to hire 14 professional session musicians, and you will have a rough idea.
So, the original plan was to see if I can break even, by selling albums through CDBaby and the other platforms. It will soon be available on Spotify and all other major music sharing platforms. Now, I have changed this plan. I don’t care if I never break even. I want this album to be available for free, for everyone who likes it. That would be in keeping with what I said above in the quote from the interview.
Go ahead and download it!
Since links provided through Wetransfer, expire in a week, I have uploaded the album to my own website here. You can download the .zip file right here!
What I ask in return
What I ask in return, is a tiny effort that won’t cost you more than 10 seconds or so. All I ask, is that you share a link to the album on your social media. I don’t care if it is this one, or the CDBaby one, I will leave that up to you. Also, I can’t check if you actually did it or not, so if you don’t, then I guess that’s up to you. If you write some words of praise somewhere, or an article on a blog, or a comment below here: all that is up to your own courtesy and discretion. I don’t mind either way! I already appreciate you wanting my music.
Album review
Lastly, I want to call your attention to an album review that was published yesterday, by the music blog Bandcamp Diaries. Perhaps, if you read it, you will be more motivated to obtain your own copy of the album.
This is a quote from the end of the review: “At the end of the day, this album is a sonic journey through so many different styles. From the punchy grooves of funk and hip-hop, down to the smooth edge of soul and R&B anything goes. Doc Jazz is a versatile talent with a unique feel and a one-of-a-kind approach to his production. The sounds on this release are remarkably organic and positive, paving the way to a unique listening experience.”

Dr. Tariq Shadid aka “Doc Jazz”
Consultant General Surgeon
That’s it! Hope you enjoy the music, and I hope it lightens your mood in these very hard times, because that’s what I made it for. Don’t forget to share the good stuff!
Wishing you lots of Love, and safety, and good health,
Doc Jazz

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