Hot Arab Music presents Al Jeel Al Jadeed – Doc Jazz
Reposted from Hot Arab Music – A number of young and frustrated Idealists from Gaza, Palestine found a new vehicle to channel their frustration with the political gridlock, the siege and their society. They made a Disco song that has some funk. Thanks to Doc Jazz, and the capable art direction by Shahd Abu Salama.
I tell you these Gaza kids have some killer dance moves, and it comes with dreams of a better tomorrow. Nothing wrong with wanting more while living in Gaza, after all this is the new a whole new generation who wants to take a different route to reach their dreams and aspirations. You can spot the director standing in a dance circle while they are condemning violence and sectarianism and factionalism.
It’s never easy to want to do something different in a conservative community like Gaza, but the dreamers who worked on this music video have little fear as they strive to deliver their message o cautious optimism. Had I not known this is Gaza–the market scene gives it away–I would have guessed it’s somewhere in a nicer place.
There are many indie talents in Gaza, Palestine, but they tend not to get together….such projects brings them together and allows them to be in a safe zone where they can channel whatever artist side they may have to further their cause and elevate their state of mind. In the meantime, who can resist some disco with hints of Palestinian folklore?

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