Letter from Samer Issawi on Palestinian Prisoners Day (full text)


Samer IssawiTranslation by Tariq Shadid – see original Arabic text down below

Ramallah, April 17, 2013

From his room in Kaplan Medical Center, political prisoner Samer Issawi sent a letter via the lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoner Society saying:

“I am sending my greetings to everyone, without exception, and I request from all honorable people of our country, of our Arabic and Islamic nation, and all free peoples of the world, to make April 17 a day of anger and solidarity with political prisoners incarcerated in all countries of the world.

This must be done in order to amplify the voice of these heroic political prisoners who sacrificed, and are still sacrificing, for the sake of the freedom of their people and their lands, and for the protection of their Islamic and Christian holy sites in the purest place in the world.


Until this very moment, they are still continuing their struggle inside the prisons, in order to improve the conditions of their incarceration, and for the protection of their dignity and the quality of their lives in detention. The jailor continues to violate international conventions and laws that guarantee the freedom of the prisoners. He also attempts to increase harassment against them, in order to make them frustrated and desperate, and to make them feel as if they are alone in their struggle, forgotten by their people, and as if they were not arrested while they were struggling for the freedom of their people. However, thanks to the awareness of the prisoners and their belief in their cause, they challenge all these arbitrary measures, and continue their resistance to obtain their rights and defend their dignity.

April 17, 2013, should not be the only day on which there is solidarity with the political prisoners, but there must be daily solidarity protests, and there must be daily pressure against the occupation to secure the release of all political prisoners. There should be no negotiations unless preceded by the release of all political prisoners, as a top priority regardless of the success or failure of these negotiations.

Despite the fact that as long as there is an occupation, there will be political prisoners, we should not leave them to suffer inside these prisons endlessly, like what happened to the veterans among them who are still inside the prisons after more than 30 years. This is a shame upon humanity, and a disgrace upon every free revolutionary who does not engage in any action for the sake of these heroes.

Samer Issawi after his previous releaseMy message to the prisoners is to remain united and to build up the prisoners’ movement as one body, as it has always been, and to keep their decisions and goals unified, because their suffering is collective as well. They should work towards ending all separations between the people, and to return to the unified action of all Palestinian factions and to hold on firmly to their achievements. They should initiate a struggle to regain the achievements that were lost, after having been obtained at the cost of the blood and suffering of prisoners and martyrs inside the prisons. The prisons must be restored into the true schools of revolution that they used to be, with leaders graduating from them and returning to our Palestinian society.

As for any act of solidarity with me, I thank you and appreciate this, but don’t want any acts of solidarity to be for me. I am waging this struggle on your behalf and on the behalf of all Palestinians, and any action should be aimed at obtaining results for the entire prisoners movement, and I am one of you.

Your brother and your son, loyal to you and to the blood of the martyrs and that of the wounded,

Samer Issawi
Kaplan Medical Center”


Palestinian Prisoner Society

Media Center


‎‫الأسير العيساوي يوجه رسالة إلى أبناء شعبه في يوم الأسير الفلسطيني .‬
‎‫رام الله‬

‎‫وجه الأسير سامر العيساوي من غرفته في مستشفى “كابلان” في يوم الأسير الفلسطيني رسالة عبر محامي النادي قال فيها ” أوجه تحياتي إلى الجميع دون استثناء وأطالب من جميع شرفاء أبناء شعبنا وامتنا العربية والإسلامية وأحرار العالم أن يكون يوم 17/04/2013 يوم غضب وتضامن مع الأسرى داخل السجون في جميع دول العالم من اجل إيصال ‬صوت هؤلاء الأسرى الأبطال الذين ضحوا وما زالوا يضحون من اجل حرية أبناء شعبهم وأرضهم والدفاع عن مقدساتها الإسلامية والمسيحية في اطهر بقعة في العالم وأنهم ما زالوا حتى هذه اللحظة مستمرون في نضالهم داخل السجون من اجل تحسين ظروف اعتقالهم والمحافظة على كرامتهم والعيش داخل هذه السجون الذي يحاول السجان باستمرار انتهاك المواثيق والقوانين التي تضمن حرية هؤلاء الأسرى ، ويحاول السجان تشديد المضايقة عليهم وإيصال الإحباط إلى نفوسهم بأنهم وحدهم بهذه المعركة وقد تم نسيانهم من قبل أبناء شعبهم ولا احد يساندهم ولا يسال عنهم محاولين زرع الإحباط بأنفسهم كأنهم لم يتم أسرهم وهم يناضلون من اجل حرية شعبهم ولكن وعي الأسرى وإيمانهم بقضيتهم يتحدون كل هذه الإجراءات التعسفية بحقهم ويواصلون نضالهم داخل السجون من اجل الحصول على حقوقهم وكرامتهم ويجب أن لا يكون 17\4\2013 هو اليوم الوحيد الذي يتم التضامن به مع الأسرى فيجب أن يكون هناك فعاليات يوميه وضغوطات يوميه على الاحتلال من اجل إطلاق سراح جميع الأسرى وان لا يكون هناك عملية تفاوض إلا بإطلاق جميع الأسرى بمقدمة عملية أي تفاوض بغض النظر عن نجاح هذه المفاوضات أو فشلها مع أن انه مازال هناك احتلال سيكون هناك أسرى ولكن يجب ألا نترك الأسرى يعانون داخل هذه السجون لما لا نهاية كما حدث مع عمداء الأسرى الذين ما زالوا داخل السجون منذ 30 عاما وأكثر لان هذا عار للبشرية وعار على كل إنسان يدعي بأنه حر ثوري ولا يقوم بعمل أي شيء اتجاه هؤلاء القادة الأبطال.

‎أما رسالتي للأسرى هي التوحد وبناء الحركة الأسيرة كما كانت جسدا واحد وان تكون قرارات واحدة وأهداف واحدة لان المعاناة واحدة وان يتم العمل على إنهاء الفصل بين أبناء الشعب الواحد وتعود الأقسام كانت تجمع من جميع الفصائل والأطياف الفلسطينية وان يحافظوا على هذا الانجاز بين أيديهم وبدء خوض معركة من اجل تحصيل ما تم سحبه من انجازات تحققت بدماء ومعاناة الأسرى والشهداء داخل السجون وان تعود السجون كما كانت كليات ثورية حقيقية تخرج القادة إلى مجتمعنا الفلسطيني أما بالنسبة لأي خطوة تضامنية معي فاشكر لكم هذا واقدره ولكن لا أريد أي خطوة تضامنية لأني أخوض هذه المعركة بالنيابة عنكم وعن أبناء شعبنا وأي خطوة هي يجب أن تكون مربوطة بانجازات تحققونها بالحركة الأسيرة وأنا واحد منكم.

‎أخوكم وابنكم المخلص لكم ولدماء الشهداء والجرحى

‎سامر العيساوي – مستشفى كابلان

‎نادي الأسير الفلسطيني
‎الدائرة الإعلامية


Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz is a Palestinian musician, currently based in the United Arab Emirates. He was born and raised in the Netherlands, which is where he started his first musical endeavors. He works full-time as a surgeon, and produces his songs in his free time. He usually does all the instruments and vocals in his recordings by himself. His music, which covers a wide variety of genres ranging from funky pop and jazz all the way to rap and Arabic music, has been featured on many media outlets in the Netherlands, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. The Palestinian cause plays a big role in the themes of his songs.

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