Mapping Palestine with Dr. Salman Abu Sitta
On May 5th, Al Awda Cleveland will host renowned Palestinian researcher Dr. Salman H. Abu Sitta, who will deliver a speech entitled: ‘Mapping Palestine: for its Survival or its Destruction?’
Salman Abu Sitta writes about Palestinian refugees and the inalienable Right of Return of the Palestinians to their homeland. He is the author of over 300 articles and papers and several books on these subjects. A few of his most important works are: The Atlas of Palestine 1948”, 2005, “The Right of Return”, 2007 and “From Refugees to Citizens at Home”, 2001 and “The Atlas of Palestine 1917-1966”, 2010.
He is a member of the Palestine National Council, founder and President of the Palestine Land Society (PLS) and General coordinator of the Right of Return Congress. He has spent 40 years digging for any detail of information about Palestine before, during and after the creation of Israel by means of ethnic cleansing, which is known to Palestinians as ‘Al Nakba’ (the catastrophe). His self-imposed mission has encompassed not only documenting al-Nakba, but also ensuring that “the memories and identity of the occupied homeland are never lost’.
If you are situated anywhere near Cleveland, you should not miss the opportunity to listen to this important speaker. At the meeting, the newly released and phenomenal Palestine Atlas will be presented, followed by a book signing. The gathering is open to the public and no entry fee is charged.
Contact/location information:
Mapping Palestine with Dr Salman Abu Sitta
Date: May 5th, 2011
Time: 7.00 – 8.30 pm
River’s Edge (Rockport Room)
3430 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland, OH
For more information contact event organizer Abbas Hamideh via email: Resistance48(a) or call Al Awda at 216-218-6667.

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