By Means of Deception
“By means of deception, thou shalt wage war”. This motto of one of the most notorious secret services in the history of mankind, the Israeli Mossad, in fact forms the essence of the strategy of the entire zionist entity, ever since its inception in 1948.
The principle described above is more sacred to the strategists of zionism than even the public secret of the huge Israeli arsenal of nuclear weapons, more than its Merkava tanks, more than its American Apache helicopters, and even more than the hysterically violent Jewish settlers it has illegally implanted in the occupied West Bank.
The motto itself implies it as the most central strategic concept of zionist warfare. This is not an issue to be taken lightly, since realizing this fact is extremely essential and has major consequences in dealing with the zionist enemy.
The new delusion
At the moment, the entire Arab world including the Palestinian Authority, is on the losing end of this equation, not by a massive Israeli military offensive, but by a new deliberate delusion created by the government of Binyamin Netanyahu. The deception created this time, like many times before, is that of the willingness of the zionist entity to engage in ‘peace talks’. The foolishness this time, like many times before, is that of Arab gullibility in engaging with this zionist tactic. It is almost as if none of the Arab leaders seem to have informed themselves about the most basic tenets of zionism, such as the motto mentioned before.
Of course there is no intention from the Israeli side to let these ‘peace talks’ result in anything that can be even remotely constructive to peace, to the return of stolen lands, or to the dismantling of illegal Jewish settlements, let alone to ending the military occupation. As a principle, peace has always been zionism’s greatest enemy; in fact they fear peace more than they fear any of the Palestinian resistance movements.
When your adage is to wage war by means of deception, it automatically means that telling the truth to your adversary is forbidden. From the zionist point of view, the truth – in this case about their intentions – is too precious to be shared with their enemies. For this reason, they will continue to tell the world falsehood after falsehood, and anything but the truth. It doesn’t take a genius of politicology, just someone with a good memory and some history books, to be able to verify that indeed, the zionists have always remained true to their own rules of engagement when it comes to spreading lies. They have never made the ‘mistake’ of saying anything that was actually true to the ‘Goyim’, i.e. the ‘non-Jews’, whether we are talking about the Arabs or about the rest of the world’s non-Jewish population.
Battle plan: red herring
Considering their overwhelming economical, strategic and military advantage over the Palestinians, all the horrible and genocidal violations of the Geneva convention they have been engaging in over the years were mainly meant as a way to keep the resistance busy, to divide it, and to intimidate people from becoming part of it. Those who truly understand zionist thinking, will also understand that it is imperative to start looking for what the world and the resistance movements are being distracted from. Where is their real battlefield?
Their true battlefront does not lie in trying to defuse the growing BDS movement, or fending off protesters who wage demonstrations against their Apartheid Wall. They also don’t really care whether there are ‘peace talks’, whether there is a row with the United States of America or not, or whether or not Abbas utters angry words to the press that he will walk out of the talks if he doesn’t receive more guarantees.
To them, all these little battlefields, which as a pleasant side effect for the zionists, help keeping the armed forces in a state of alert, and enable them to test their newest weapons and devices of oppression, are relatively meaningless. Even though the Palestinian resistance is not only legitimate, and absolutely genuine in its wish to attain freedom for the oppressed, and liberation from the illegitimate zionist domination of the country – from the Israeli point of view, and within their major strategic plan, the existing forms of resistance function like the ideal red herring. Their overwhelming military power would allow them to act even more rigorously, and to oppress and murder the Palestinians even more violently, if they wished to do so. Yet they are not being restrained by scruples or by fear of the condemnation of the world community, as many think: they restrain themselves in accordance with the rules of their own strategy. The essential role of what they consider to be mere skirmishes is to distract the world’s population from their real plans, perfectly in accordance with the basic tenet of zionist warfare: ‘by means of deception’.
Aiming for the heart
If we search for the true zionist assault taking place, we must literally go underground, and we will find it taking place under the third holiest shrine in Islam, the Al Aqsa Mosque. As long as this truly important issue, which has the potential to ignite a new World War, does not arrive at center stage in the world’s mass media and in the exchange of rhetoric of politicians at the highest level, the Israeli leadership will not lose a minute of sleep. They are namely undeterred by the media campaigns waged by pro-Palestinian rights movements, by homemade rockets fired from Gaza, by threats of an economic boycott against their state, by the Goldstone report, by so-called criticism from the Obama administration, and by empty rhetoric from PA officials – for the simple reason that all these things are taking place in a battlefield where they control the majority of factors that might influence the outcome.
In reality, far from the ‘distraction battlefield’, costing thousands of real Palestinian lives that are utterly worthless in the zionist worldview, Jewish zealots have prepared all vessels and artifacts to rebuild the so-called Third Temple on its alleged but unproven historical location, which is exactly the place where the Al Aqsa Mosque now stands. They have constructed miniatures of their envisaged edifice, and drawn minute maps and plans of exactly how it will look when it has been built. They have even already trained Jewish disciples in the ancient ceremonies connected to the Temple, who have already been provided with the necessary attributes and costumes, and are ready to start their daily routine immediately when the time is ‘right’.
The zionist state, at times, acts as if it is creating trouble for these religious zealots. If they would support them openly, not only would it go against their own adage of ‘by means of deception’, but it would carry the risk of causing an international outrage which would jeopardize the diplomatic and military smokescreen on which the media is now focusing its attention. If the zionist entity had true intentions of preventing these highly dangerous plans from being executed, it would have dealt with these zealot groups quite differently. Yet they are allowed to build ‘museums’ and hold exhibitions which are open to the public, in which their artifacts and vessels are put on display, giving these plans as much of an appearance of normalcy as possible. Following the logic of zionism, its envisaged goals, and its modus operandi, it is quite safe to assume that these zealots are completely sanctioned and supported by the Knesset up to the highest echelons of the leadership of the zionist entity.
Protecting Al Aqsa
The international community as well as the Palestinians and other Arabs may fall into the traps set out by zionism, and take the baits that are set out for them to sink their teeth into. They may continue to assume that lying so systematically is simply beyond natural, and cannot be the true nature of their zionist enemy. But they are forgetting that every liar, willingly or unwillingly, even a zionist one, leaves behind clues that the perceptive will notice, and the gullible will ignore.
Some may think that one has to be religious in order to perceive the destruction of Al Aqsa as a problem. If so, they are very, very wrong. These vicious destructive plans have the potential to ignite a real World War – therefore this issue concerns not just the Muslims but all of us who inhabit this planet. These zealous fanatics have to be stopped, before it is too late. And the only way that this can be done is if the Palestinian resistance starts treating the direct threats to Al Aqsa as a very real and potentially fatal danger, and raises this issue at the highest diplomatic level possible.
Sometimes, only seeing is believing. Therefore I invite you to watch these videos on Youtube, let the message sink in well, and counter the zionist adage with the words and thoughts: “By means of permanent distrust, I will see through thy deceptions.”

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