Message to the friends of Palestine
Dear friends of Palestine,
I have been receiving many responses to the skeptical statements I made yesterday about the symbolic efforts of ‘recognition’ of Palestine undertaken by some governments across the globe. Good, since this is exactly why I made them. It means I challenged people’s thoughts, and this was my objective.
Someone needs to point out the hypocrisy in the dealings in the diplomatic and political world with regard to Palestine. Someone needs to keep the pressure up with regard to recognition of the Nakba, and the Right of Return. Someone needs to keep pointing out what the true Palestinian cause is, and it is a cause of liberation from an illegal invasion, before it is anything else. If I have to be that someone, simply because it is not being said and done enough, then I will be that someone.
Of course I understand the ‘Realpolitik’ comments I received in response to my statements, and I expected them. I’m sure many think I would disagree with most of what was said, but that is much less the case than they think. I am a realist, but don’t forget that it is also unrealistic to cheer from the bottom of your heart for developments that are laden with such a high dose of hypocrisy.
Therefore, I will give you some more things to think about.
We have seen governments that have recognized ‘Israel’ decades ago, and have friendly and warm dealings with their ambassadors, while at the same time witnessing the horrendous war crimes that are continuously unleashed upon the Palestinians in an illegal occupation. While they now say friendly things to the Palestinians, we did not see them expel the Israeli ambassador; we did not see them cancel trade agreements with ‘Israel’; we did not see them cause any significant trouble for the Israelis while things continue to get worse, day after day, year after year.
We see these same countries pondering the recognition of Palestine, or even going so far as granting recognition and opening an embassy. Do I applaud that? Sure I do, don’t get me wrong. But do I consider this to be enough? Hell no. Do you consider it to be enough?
Do you think mine or your ‘gratitude’ matters at all, if 570 innocent dead children in Gaza did not matter enough for these countries to call for an embargo on weapons, or a comprehensive boycott of the illegitimate Zionist state? Do you seriously think that these governments are influenced by my gratitude, or the lack of it? Please.
Therefore, my messages are not aimed at those governments who still have a long way to go before they can even begin to earn my trust. My messages were meant for YOU. I am irrelevant to these governments, and so are you, until perhaps our numbers become so huge that there is simply no way to ignore us, and we are still far away from that.
I have to remind you of the true heart of the Palestinian struggle, just as a signal to your mind not to forget what this is about.
Surely, we all believe that the crimes of the Zionists will someday meet with due punishment and retribution.
My duty is to protect the Palestinian cause until that day comes, and I will fulfill this duty with diligence and dedication. The Palestinian cause is the fight against the ongoing Nakba, and against the denial of its gruesome past. It is the struggle against the Jewish supremacy that was violently forced upon our land in a Holocaust that still hasn’t ended today.
We must protect our cause from ‘diplomatic contamination’. Our rights have been squandered enough as it is. We will protect every last one of our inalienable rights, first and foremost the Right of Return. And you, activists and supporters for the Palestinian cause from around the world, can help us make a relentless fist against Nakba-denial, since it is Nakba-denial that is the root cause of misconceptions about the Palestinian struggle, and the devaluation of our rights as a people.
Stay with us as we continue our struggle. Expand our ranks, without contaminating the core of our cause. Educate the people around you, familiarize them with the symbols of our struggle: our flag, our kuffiyeh, our front door key, and our olive tree. Keep up the great work. I love it that you are here on this page with me, and I appreciate your support for our people.
Until liberation and return,
Doc Jazz
aka Tariq Shadid
Palestinian artist

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