New Doc Jazz song: Friendzone
It has been over a year! In fact: 2022 is the first year in a very long time that went without any new song release. There were a few covers, which were only released on the Facebook page. However, at the very beginning of this New Year, Doc Jazz is back with a new original!

The new release is a fresh-sounding uptempo dance track, with a cheerful vibe. It bears the promise of a new sound, which does not mean that Doc Jazz is necessarily changing his direction. Those who have been following his music for a longer time, know that he writes songs in any thinkable genre.
The ‘friendzone’ is a popular phrase that describes the situation where a person who is romantically interested, gets ‘parked’ as merely a good friend. Although this is generally a frustrating situation, it is one that many men can relate to. After all, in the era where it is common to have friend groups of mixed genders, it is a frequently occurring phenomenon. While the perception of the friendzone is a negative one, this song describes the empowering feeling of leaving the friendzone altogether. A feeling of release, so to speak. This is expressed in a positive, almost ‘victorious’ vibe, and is reflected in the fast-paced beat and the cheerful hooks.
Accidental topic
The song started as a ‘misheard lyric’! The phrase ‘sent your friends home’ from the Weeknd’s song ‘The Hills’ was heard by Doc Jazz as ‘friendzone’. That line got stuck in his head, and when he got into the studio during the New Year weekend, he decided to use it as a topic. The result was this brand new electric dance track! The video has a few dancers in it to give off that energetic vibe, and takes you through the lyrics.
As Doc Jazz’s focus on releasing or propagating his songs has decreased significantly, at this point, the song is only released on Youtube. However, as time passes, it may work its way onto Spotify and other music carriers. It all depends on how the Youtube version does!
If you want to encourage a wider release, like, comment and share the song on Youtube! Go ahead – give it a listen, but make sure you listen on good headphones or a good sound system to really catch that vibe!
Check out Friendzone!
Hope you enjoy the song! Don’t forget to like, comment, and share!

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