The ongoing interview: Doc Jazz on
I first ran into by seeing other Twitter friends answering questions on it, and seeing their answers pop up in their tweets. To tell you the truth, I found it rather silly. At some point however, I joined, just for the heck of it, probably in a moment of boredom. Since then, the number of Q & A’s has risen to almost 500!
To my surprise, I started to really enjoy the experience. People sometimes asked me funny and silly things, but I actually received a lot of really good questions. This made me change my view on, and I now consider it to be a great internet-tool, which can be applied in a very useful way to get a message out.
The questions can be asked entirely anonymously by anyone who has an internet connection, without any software needed. This lowers the threshold and is one of the reasons why is so successful.
I invite the visitors of my website to grace me with their questions. You’ve probably guessed it: the questions I enjoy the most, are questions concerning the various aspects of the Palestinian cause. However, as you can see if you scroll through my list of answers, I even answer silly questions sometimes, just to keep everything light-hearted and fun.
I have made a selection from some of the most interesting questions and answers here below, copied and pasted directly and unedited from the page. Perhaps you will enjoy reading them, and possibly, you may find them interesting. Perhaps this may even encourage you to ask some questions of your own. Well, be my guest! Please also note that there is a permanent link in the top menu of the website in the right upper corner.
What was it like as a kid in the Netherlands?
The early years were wonderful. During adolescence, there were a lot of confrontations (with teachers and peers) stemming from the fact that the vast majority of Dutch are educated to be staunchly pro-Israel. This cast a bit of a shadow over the whole experience there.
Do you have a lot of supporters in Holland?
I don’t think I have that many. Then again, it’s not always about quantity, sometimes quality matters more, and some of my greatest supporters live there. I have been vocal about many things there. I have criticized people who worked with or tolerated cooperation with Zionist organizations. That doesn’t sit well with me. I consider it my duty to criticize that, especially if those same people say they care about Palestine. If I wouldn’t speak up against that, it would appear that it is okay to be working with Zionists while being a ‘Palestine-supporter’. In my opinion, this is totally not okay. Nevertheless, criticizing these people also pits people against you, so some people in the Netherlands who call themselves ‘friends of Palestine’ don’t like me. Fine with me!
Which element of the Palestinian struggle would u be willing to compromise on?
None. The Palestinian struggle is a struggle against racism, land-theft, oppression, and ethnic cleansing. All these issues are things you can’t back down on. It would be immoral to do so.
Do you consider yourself a radical? Based on your articles, most would say you are.
Maybe they would call me that because I don’t recognize ‘Israel’? If someone invaded your home and kicked you out, would you consider yourself a radical for not recognizing the invader’s illegal ‘ownership’? Let them call me what they call me. It doesn’t make any difference to me.
You are talented but too belligerent. This is no way to make peace.
You are confusing action and reaction. This is still a Zionist invasion, and one that engages in ethnic cleansing. Making peace will come after achieving justice.
Im a Jew n ur website is offensive n racist. U r the vilest anti-Israel poison Ive ever seen.
Anti-Israel? YES. Racist? Not at all. You call yourself a Jew, and I will assume you are, but your assessment of my activities portrays you as a Zionist. I’m not really interested what your religion is, but Zionism is racism, and you should heal your spirit from such a horrendous ideology. And yes, I am very anti-Zionist, and since you appear to be one, you SHOULD find my website offensive.
Does ur energy ever run out. U do so many things!
My energy sometimes gets drained, but never by what the Zionists do. The only thing that manages to get me down is seeing discord and lack of cooperation between Palestinians. Apart from that, I am absolutely unstoppable.
Would u vote for a woman to be the leader of palestine
I would vote for personality and skills, so if a woman happens to be the best, then I definitely would.
Some say music is haram. What’s ur opinion on that?
I believe that SOME music is haram, if it propagates messages that are haram. Music itself however? Not in my opinion. I believe that the evidence presented by those who believe it is haram is extremely weak and totally unconvincing to me.
When r u gonna write a song for me?
Ummm .. when you liberate Palestine?
For what profession (exept ur own one) do you have lots of respect?
Actually I respect ALL professions. All those jobs make a society together. Imagine if the garbageman goes on strike … better respect him !
What are your ambitions in life? when it comes to musivc, personal life, professional etc ….?
All I want is to see Palestine free. As for personal ambitions: being the best surgeon that I can be. With the music: my ambition is to be able to leave something for the next generation of Palestinians – especially those in the diaspora – that can inspire them.
Do u prefer being appreciated for ur person or ur music?
My music is message. So, definitely for my music.
When did you have your first kiss?
I kissed my mom and dad at such a young age, that I don’t remember when.

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