Doc Jazz interviewed on Palestinian radio program from Ramallah

On May 27th, Doc Jazz was interviewed by Mahmoud Hrebat in his radio show “Dot Com”, broadcast by the station 24FM. Through a Skype connection, Mahmoud asked Doc Jazz questions about his connection to Palestine, his music, the role of social media, and other aspects of the Musical Intifada. What was also discussed was how music can play a role...

Doc Jazz on Wordpress

It Takes Love – Doc Jazz releases his first non-political music video

For the first time in his public musical career, Palestinian musician Doc Jazz, known mostly for his political songs in support of the Palestinian cause, has released a music video for an entirely new, but non-political song. It is definitely not his first song that deals with something other than the cause, but it is the first time a song...

Shireen Issawi subjected to violent beatings in prison and held in isolation

Shireen Issawi, the sister of legendary hunger striker Samer Issawi, has told Hanan Al Khateeb, attorney of the Council of Prisoner Affairs, that she suffered a brutal beating in Hasharon prison on May 3, 2015. Shireen stated that on that day, prison guards invaded the female prisoners section under the false pretext of one prison guard having been attacked. When...

Message to the friends of Palestine

Dear friends of Palestine, I have been receiving many responses to the skeptical statements I made yesterday about the symbolic efforts of ‘recognition’ of Palestine undertaken by some governments across the globe. Good, since this is exactly why I made them. It means I challenged people’s thoughts, and this was my objective. Someone needs to point out the hypocrisy in...