Tweetsheet for the Protect Gaza Journalists Twitterstorm

Tweetsheet for the Protect Gaza Journalists Twitterstorm

TWITTERSTORM TWEETSHEET for the campaign PROTECT LOCAL GAZA JOURNALISTS Twitterstorm takes place from 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm at GMT/UTC +2   Twitterstorm to support Gaza’s journalists kicked out; start tweeting now using the hashtag #ProtectGazaPress Start tweeting using the hashtag #ProtectGazaPress to support purchasing protection vests for Gaza’s journalists Gaza journalists need your support for their message to...

Music review: Arab Women Artists Now

Article by Louis Brehony/Photos by Nadira Amrani – On 7 March, the London-based cultural organisation Arts Canteen launched AWAN (Arab Women Artists Now), a new annual festival to celebrate women artists from the Arab world. After a day of heated discussion on art and politics, and a visual art exhibition, the event came to its finale with a night of...

Young Palestinian artist Lina Abojaradeh: art is my one form of resistance

It must have been about half a year ago when on Twitter, I came across a stunning painting relating to the Palestinian struggle, that I then decided to share on my Facebook page. I remember being enchanted by its moving symbolism, its use of colours, and its powerful message. The name of the artist, Lina Abojaradeh, was pasted at the...

Jordanians prepare for Day of Refusal against Jordan-Israel gas deal

By Tariq Shadid – In Jordan, opposition against the Israeli-Jordanian gas deal is growing. While politicians are working out the details, there appears to be widespread criticism of plans by the Jordanian National Electric Power Company to import gas from the Leviathan fields. The fields are located in the Mediterranean waters controlled by Israel, operated by US company Noble Energy,...