Ik geloof alleen in de bevrijding van Palestina, niet in concessies aan de Zionistische entiteit – Doc Jazz

Tariq Shadid, de Palestijnse chirurg en musicus met artiestennaam Doc Jazz, werd geïnterviewd door de Duitse website ProMozaik. In het interview beantwoordt hij vragen over de rol van muziek in de strijd, de rol van de media, de houding van Duitse politici en de solidariteit in Turkse kringen. Het oorspronkelijke interview werd gevoerd in het Engels en is hier te...

Ceremony to be held to grant Human Rights Award to Shireen Issawi

Source: Human Rights Defenders – Lawyer Shireen Issawi has been held captive in the prisons of the Israeli occupation since March 6 of this year. She was accused together with five other attorneys of working against the Israeli state with hostile parties. Shireen is well-known for having been the spokeswoman and one of the main protagonists of the campaign calling...

Shireen Issawi Wins International Alkarama Award for Human Rights Defenders

The international Free Shireen Issawi Campaign wishes to inform supporters of Shireen, the lawyer and activist held in solitary confinement in Israel’s military occupation prison system, and all supporters of those who defend the political and human rights of the Palestinian people, that Shireen Issawi is the winner of the international Alkarama award for Human Rights Defenders. Alkarama is a...