Doc Jazz releases promo video for his album Front Door Key
Some good news: Doc Jazz has released a promo video for his album Front Door Key, dedicated to the memory of the late Forrest Thomas, the American producer of the album.
The album is not new; in fact it is from 2007, and was released shortly before Doc Jazz emigrated from the Netherlands to the UAE. However, due to circumstances, the album had never enjoyed a strong promotion, despite it being the most elaborate, intensive and creative musical project ever undertaken by the musician.
Sadly and unfortunately, Forrest Thomas passed away unexpectedly in September 2013. This promo video contains footage of Forrest when the crew was filmed by Dutch-Frisian television station Omrop Fryslan, during the recording phase for the album.
Although all songs on the album were composed and written by Doc Jazz, Forrest played a huge role as a producer in giving this album its exquisite style and sound, by mobilizing some of the finest American musicians in the Netherlands: Eddie Conard (percussion), Keith Keyes (bass) and Michelle David (backing vocals). He also brought in a number of hugely talented and experienced Dutch musicians like Susanne Alt (saxophone), Ward Veenstra (guitars, keyboards, arrangements and recording/mixing).
Forrest, himself a world class vocalist, who had a world hit in the 80’s with his version of ‘Rock the Boat’, also contributed backing vocals to the album. Doc Jazz did all the lead vocals, backing vocals, and also contributed guitars and keyboards to the album, as well as his characteristic Palestinian flute, the shibbabeh.
Only a limited number of original Front Door Key hard copies were produced, and they are solely obtainable through the Palestine Online Store. Numbers are dwindling fast, so if you want to be among those who own this fine and unique album, be quick and order your own copy!
Check out the promo video here, which also gives you some more background information about the album, such as the explanation of the title ‘Front Door Key’. Or can you guess it already? In any case, have a look, and likes and shares for the video are always highly appreciated!

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