I believe only in the liberation of Palestine – Doc Jazz in interview with German website
Doc Jazz was interviewed by German website ProMosaik e.V., about the importance of music for political change and resistance in Palestine. “We have been his fans for a long time now, and it is great that he was available to answer our questions. As we all love Gaza and Gaza children and we want peace, I think that his songs will give us motivation to fight for peace and justice in Palestine.” The original interview can be found here.
Questions by Milena Rampoldi:
1.- Why did you decide to become a surgeon? How important is a surgeon for Palestinian society today?
I come from a family that has quite a few doctors, and my mother is a doctor as well. The choice of studying medicine was therefore not far-fetched, but at the same time strongly influenced by my wish to become a surgeon. I felt that having a job that consists of helping people in a visible and tangible way, would suit my personality and my deep wish to be helpful to people in that manner the most. I have never regretted this choice; I feel extremely comfortable in this profession, it has become a part of me.
I still hope to be helpful to Palestinian society some day through surgery, but as you know Zionism doesn’t allow me to live in Palestine and practice it there. The Palestinian people as a whole have huge numbers of doctors and surgeons, and they are in need of them, but because ‘Israel’ has complete control over borders and movement, there are many instances when dire situations result in a lack of surgeons and other health professionals, as well as of medical equipment.
2.- What does music politically mean to you and how can music contribute to political changes?
Music in itself only derives any possible political meaning from its lyrics. Lyrics are like poetry accompanied by music, so they can be used to express any human emotion, desire, message or vision. I think whether music can contribute to political changes depends mostly on how popular it is, and on how well it fits in with the beliefs of an already existing movement for change. Resistance movements usually give a clear role to music, because they are aware of its potentially motivating and educating effects. Just keep in mind how quickly new resistance songs were published directly after the Shijaiya massacre in Gaza: it barely took a few days.
3.- Which are the main objectives you want to reach with your songs?
The music I make aims at empowering the global movement for the liberation of Palestine. This is why my lyrics are mostly in English, in order to make them accessible to people from all over the world. This is also why I make songs in so many different styles, hoping to give all these different cultures in the world at least one song they can relate to. My dream is that these global activists for Palestine embrace my music, and that they will use it to give an extra impulse to their demonstrations and gatherings, but also that they will use it as a tool to introduce their friends to the cause in a subtle and non-confronting way, by sharing my songs with them. I’ve seen many examples of people in the West who were previously uninterested in the Palestinian cause, but became interested and involved through my music. Whenever I see that happening, it’s extremely motivating and fulfilling.
4.- Which relation do you see between lyrics and music?
When it comes to the message, the lyrics are the true essence. However, the fact that this message is conveyed in rhyme, and set to a rhythm and a melody, gives the lyrics a repetitive power that would be impossible to obtain in any other way. You can still hear the chorus of a song in your mind long after you have listened to a song. Even if you didn’t follow the lyrics closely at first, it then becomes only a matter of time before you become curious about what is actually being sung. I believe this is the reason why pop music has an edge over many other forms of political expression. It is not being used nearly enough, its potential is enormous.
5.- How important are pictures to make people understand the genocide in Palestine?
Western media are in almost total lockdown on the Palestine situation. They are under heavy influence and control of Zionist lobbies, and therefore only portray Palestinian news minimally, only as much as is needed in order to create an illusion of objectivity in the minds of their audience. Apart from that, they are functioning as if they are mouthpieces of the Israeli regime. Without the many deeply shocking pictures of the incredibly inhumane crimes that ‘Israel’ committed upon the Palestinians of Gaza, and without the tremendous efforts by pro-Palestine social media activists to make sure these pictures reached the masses, no counterbalance would have been given to this Zionist domination of mass media.
6.- What does Intifada mean to you after the 50-days war in Gaza?
The Intifada is always there, sometimes in a slumber, sometimes peaking into a massive wave of civil disobedience among the Palestinian people under occupation. Of course, these peaks are of historical significance, like the First and Second Intifada. However, we should not fall into the trap of believing that between these massive Intifada’s, the spirit of resistance is gone. As long as there is an occupation, there will be an Intifada, although it may express itself in many different forms, sizes, and methods. I elaborate on this spirit of resistance extensively in my songs ‘Intifada’ and ‘Free Palestine (We Resist)’.
7.- What is your message to children in Gaza?
My message to the children of Gaza is that they are our hope for the future, and that I pray that they will find it within themselves to deal with the incredible horrors they were subjected to without losing their love for life, for their homeland, and for their freedom. Their ordeal has broken my heart; their impressive wisdom and liveliness has stitched it back together again. We, the young and the old, have no choice but to go on: to live, to love, to pray, and to resist.
Questions by Aygun Uzunlar:
1.- Turks love Palestine and fight for Gaza. I would like to ask you to send me a text of a song you would like to present to Turkish people. I would like to translate it for you and present it in Turkish for Turks. Which message do you want to tell Turkish youth today?
I dedicated my song ‘Freedom Flotilla Song’ to the Turkish martyrs of the Mavi Marmara. We feel strongly connected to the Turkish people through history and through cultural and religious kinship. It is enormously inspiring to see the Turks standing up against ‘Israel’. We hope they will continue to do so, until Palestine is free, and becomes a sovereign independent state with close and brotherly ties to Turkey. I am confident that they share this dream with us!
Link to the lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/doc_jazz/freedom_flotilla.html
2.- Which political solution do you want for Palestine?
I believe only in the liberation of Palestine, not in concessions to the Zionist entity. Zionism is a vehemently racist and expansionist ideology that makes any form of coexistence impossible, whether within the same borders or across them. I believe that Zionism can be ideologically defeated by political, economical and popular pressure. The only solution that can work for everyone is a liberated Palestine that accepts all its inhabitants as equal citizens, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. All Palestinians living in the diaspora should be enabled to return to their homeland: this is our inalienable right.
3.- How do you think Turkey can contribute to the solution of Palestinian conflict?
Turkey can make a tremendous difference to the issue, by making very clear-cut choices. It has the power to put a humongous amount of pressure on ‘Israel’ by severing its ties of diplomatic, economical and military cooperation. I continue to hope that this day will come, although it is clear that in the current situation, many other considerations are prevailing over this radical choice. However, one can never tell. All I can do in this respect is express a wish, which I do not only extend to Turkey, but to any other country that has ties with the Zionist entity, and first and foremost to those among the Arab regimes that have shamefully bowed their heads in reverence to the Israelis.
4.- How much do you think European media support Israel, instead of supporting Palestinian cause?
I believe that the agenda of European media is entirely tuned to the wishes of ‘Israel’. News is always conveyed with a shamelessly obvious bias leaning towards the interests of the Zionist entity.
5.- What do you want to say to German Politicians thinking that they have to support Netanyahu because they killed Jews during second world war?
Well, the point here is that these current German politicians didn’t kill any Jews themselves, so they have no obligation to carry on the debt and guilt from generation to generation. I believe that if they learned the right lesson from the gruesome history of the Second World War, it should be that politicians and other citizens should always make choices that are based on the equality of all people, regardless of their ethnicity. If they would truly be following this sensible and moral line of thinking, they would never end up supporting Netanyahu, but instead opposing him and his ideology in the same adamant way that they are now denouncing the Nazi leaders of the past. If, however, their choices are guided by lines of ethnicity, instead of by concepts of equality and justice, they have not learned anything whatsoever from the massacres of the Second World War, but are repeating the transgressions of their predecessors.
6.- Which are in your opinion the best musical forms to fight for political rights and why?
I don’t think that there is a specific form of music that is best suited for a political struggle. It is, after all, a multidimensional struggle. Music of resistance does not always need to only sound like the ‘Drums of War’. It all depends which aspect of the struggle it aims to highlight. This is why my music is not limited to any genre, but rather aims to apply the style that is best suited to the message of the specific song.
Many thanks to ProMosaik e.V. for this interview. If you wish to explore the music of Doc Jazz, use your search engine, or check out the 102-song music repository on Soundclick, or browse the Youtube channel.

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