“All About The Benjamins”: embraced by the crowds, shunned by pundits


When I put out my song “All About The Benjamins” on X, I was pleasantly surprised: especially in the beginning, I was overwhelmed by the positive reactions. After a few hours, seeing this welcoming reception, I decided to set a goal of 1000 reposts.

After a while, this high expection was contradicted by a perceived reluctance of high profile friends/followers on X, to give any attention to the song. The song was carried by people with low follower counts, who showered it with compliments, along with reposting it.

If you think I’m exaggerating, go and read the comments under the post.

Doc Jazz: All About The Benjamins – the brand new protest song!

Pundits shun it, the crowds love it

As I have been active for our Palestinian cause since decades, the connections that I have – including on X – are wide. Many prominent people know me, or know my work, or at least have an idea who I am. I am followed by some accounts whose follower count exceeds one million.

They interact with me; like retweeting me, or conversing with me.

But when it comes to the song, they avoid commenting on it, acknowledging it, let alone reposting it. Why? Well, from having asked some among them, it appears the content itself makes them nervous, although these ‘pundits’ haven’t (convincingly) specified why.

A stark contrast with ‘the little guy’ on X, to whom I owe at least 95% of the exposure the song has been getting. Notable exceptions are George Galloway, Muntathar Al-Zaidi, and Black In The Empire. Their reposts, however, did not bring in much interaction, which is probably due to the suppression of their accounts by the X algorithm. I said something about it in the recent ‘interview’.

All About The Benjamins enjoys some significant interaction on X – click on the image and make it more!

So, how does it affect the strategy?

Have a look at the numbers in the above image. They’re certainly not bad; however, I still have a good way to go before I reach my 1000 repost goal. One could argue that the reposts of the other ‘famous’ people didn’t bring in many new viewers or reposts. True. That would only have worked with an actual shoutout, is what I believe.

It’s clear that my song appeals to, and is carried by, the ordinary X user, not so much by pundits. In a way, that makes me feel proud as well! I just wish I could reach my repost target. I will therefore continue to appeal to the X users, as they can repost and increase the exposure.

So, if you are reading this, please do the following:

Go the post, watch the music video, write a comment, and repost!

Many thanks in advance!

Doc Jazz


Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz is a Palestinian musician, currently based in the United Arab Emirates. He was born and raised in the Netherlands, which is where he started his first musical endeavors. He works full-time as a surgeon, and produces his songs in his free time. He usually does all the instruments and vocals in his recordings by himself. His music, which covers a wide variety of genres ranging from funky pop and jazz all the way to rap and Arabic music, has been featured on many media outlets in the Netherlands, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. The Palestinian cause plays a big role in the themes of his songs.

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