Settlement Freeze – a poem by Doc Jazz
If you miss those good old days looks like you came to late
So just hold your hands up, if you so much as sneeze
You can forget about your rights ’cause they’re about to release
The settlement freeze

You can count yourself lucky if you see the light of day
You can forget about your home, forget about peace
Forget about your crops, hell yeah forget about your trees
Cause it’s a settlement freeze
The lie has been spread, and everyone believes
We’re dealing with an enemy who lies but never leaves
Erecting buildings on stolen land from day to day
And vowing that they’ll never ever go away
That’s the settlement freeze
If this is a freeze, I guess a storm is a breeze
I guess an ocean is a desert and war is peace
You need to get the word out until everyone sees
That the only thing frozen is Ben and Jerry’s
Don’t buy the ‘settlement freeze’

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