Imprisoned Palestinian lawyer Shireen Issawi issues a statement
Ramallah – “An attorney of the Prisoners Society has visited political prisoner and lawyer Shireen Issawi.
In a letter after this meeting, Issawi stated that she is a lawyer and that she has the right to defend other political prisoners, and that what she has done was simply a legal service for the prisoners. She said she has done nothing illegal, and that she will work for as long as she lives for the cause of the prisoners, until the last one is set free.
She continued saying that the goal of her imprisonment is to gag the mouths of lawyers in general, and to deter them from exercising their duty in the service of the prisoners. She firmly stated that she was not engaged in any activity that contradicts the law, and that she was preparing for her Masters thesis.
Her attorney also announced that Shireen and her brother Medhat are scheduled for a trial on the 24th of April, 2014.”
Source: Prisoners Society, Ramallah, April 23, 2004 – translated from Arabic by Tariq Shadid, see Arabic original below
محامي نادي الاسير يقوم بزيارة الاسيرة المحامية شرين العيساوي
قالت المحامية الاسيرة شرين العيساوي في رسالة لها بعد لقاءها محامي نادي الاسير انها محامية وانه من حقها الدفاع عن الاسرى وان ما قامت به كان مجرد خدمة قانونية للاسرى ولم تقم بأي فعل مخالف للقانون , وأنها ستعمل جاهدة طوال حياتها لخدمة قضية الاسرى ولن تتوقف حتى يطلق سراح أخر أسير .
وأكملت الاسيرة العيساوي تقول ان الهدف من اعتقالها هو تكميم أفواه المحامين بشكل عام وردعهم عن القيام بواجبهم في خدمة الاسرى , وأنها تؤكد عدم ارتكابها لأي مخالفة للقانون وأنها كانت تحضر بالآونة الاخيرة رسالة الماجستير .
كما تم ابلاغ محاميها بأن هناك محاكمة لشرين وأخوها مدحت يوم غد الخميس 24-4-2014.

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