Put ‘HUNGRY’ – the song for Samer Issawi – on #1 in the charts !
Thanks to supporters from around the world, the song ‘HUNGRY’ which is dedicated to Samer Issawi and the other Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli incarceration has been rising in the HipHop Charts on Soundclick.
If you click on the image, a larger version of it will appear, and you will see that it is a screenshot of the charts, showing HUNGRY on number 5 !
Do you share my enthusiasm at the idea if it hit number 1, and thousands of people who know nothing about Samer or Palestine get exposed to the message? The way things are going now, it will not be easy, because competition in the music world is quite tough.
The song NEEDS TO BE PLAYED in order for it to rise further up in the charts. It must be streamed until the end for it to gain any chart points. Playing it over and over again helps too, but the focus for getting chart points is on NEW listeners, and this is where YOU come in, and where YOU can help !
* Share the link to this webpage with your friends. As you can hear, the player is embedded with the song and starts to play automatically. Every time a new user lets it finish till the end, the song gets a big boost in the charts !
* If you are reading this website from a mobile phone, please click here, and you can still stream it.
* If you have a blog, publish the lyrics of the song there. This can help enormously in drawing attention to the song ! There is also a HTML embed code, so that you can put the song on your own blog/website !
* Tweet this page by clicking on the tweet button at the bottom of the page, or share it on Facebook – this really can help !
* If you have any positive feedback on the song, this also can be extremely helpful, because it makes others curious to hear it … tweet or send it to me, I will add your positive feedback to this webpage here !
Ray Lewis, Jr. aka Eyeslam, DJ and radio presenter of Dreamkiller Radio from the Bay Area in San Fransisco:
“Amazing song, catchy and CLEAR!!!!! Insha Allah this catches on. I’m spreading it. “
Check out this awesome new song by Palestinian musician Doc Jazz in support of Samer Issawi !
Doc Jazz is terrific! NEW song in support of Samer Issawi : HUNGRY
Omar Daraghmeh
That’s such a lovely song … Well done Doc, brilliant wallah!
Lisette Aria
He’s taking this movement to a new level. Love it, love jazz and the doc, lyrical contents are fabulous!!
Any encouraging messages you wish to send me – use the comment box at the bottom of the website, and I will be adding your endorsements here !
Thank you all and I apologize for having to advertise my own work – but such is the job of musical resistance, and the only way to spread a musical message …
Doc Jazz

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