Spiderhands about Twenty Twenty: “incredibly strong” (video)
It’s amazing how fast things can move sometimes in the online world! Doc Jazz’s new single ‘Twenty Twenty‘ was released on Youtube only yesterday. Today, it has already been systematically analyzed in a review on video by Logan from New Zealand, aka ‘Spiderhands‘.
And what a review it is! If you watch the video, you can clearly see that the song gets Spiderhands’ unabashed approval. To his ears, it has a “Carribean-jazz-funk vibe going to it” and an “eighties kind of groove”. He loves the piano lines, and the vocal harmonizations: “damn, that harmonization on 6th and 7th was pretty dope, hey!”
A musical walkthrough
The review is quite fun to watch, so let’s not give you too many spoilers. The reviewer attaches a lot of value to song structure, and has many words of praise for ‘Twenty Twenty‘ from that perspective. Spiderhands walks you through the song from beginning to end. This is a really engaging way to do a music review on video.
What’s really nice as well, is that it’s clearly the first time he has heard the song, as he films himself commenting on it. This keeps everything spontaneous and real, including the moments when he is pleasantly surprised. Watch the video to see his reaction to when the saxophone kicks in!
‘Incredibly strong’
He is obviously very well-versed in music composition himself. It becomes very clear from his knowledgeable approach. Still, the review never gets boring, as he is a very entertaining person to watch and listen to. Every now and then he stops the track in order to expand on a topic. He even goes back into the song in order to give some extra attention to the lyrics.
“Such lush instrumentation involved in this track, hey … really polished! You need to have been doing composition for a while to get all these elements working together in a way that makes sense.”
There is no doubt that Logan has really enjoyed the song, as he concludes: “… one of the most fun singles I’ve listened to in a while, and for a 3 and a half minute one, it’s incredibly strong!”
Watch the review!
I guess you must be curious by now … so go ahead and check out the video! Thank you very much, Spiderhands!

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