Doc Jazz’s message to the world: STOP Operation Genocidal Edge
Doc Jazz, Palestinian surgeon and musician, has issued a video message, calling upon people to unite against Zionism. In his speech, he emphasises the importance of eradicating the widespread denial of the Nakba (the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist terrorists) and the essential role of anti-Zionism in the Palestinian struggle.
He calls upon the world to continue calling out against the horrendous massacres of the Israeli army being committed in Gaza in what he calls ‘Operation Genocidal Edge’. The video message can be watched here, if you read on.
The speech is in English, but has Dutch subtitles. Click here to read an article on Albawaba for some more information about Doc Jazz.
Check out the video embedded below, which was published on his Facebook page, and find Doc Jazz on the web through his music, his articles and his videos. Free Palestine!

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