Tagged: apartheid

My Palestinian Realization – by Adam Akkad

My Palestinian Realization – by Adam Akkad

By Adam Akkad – The moment I stopped believing in the 2 state solution was the moment I realized that the path to freedom for Palestine travels through the Palestinian people. Many in the Palestinian community continue to have hope in negotiations and the so called ‘peace process’ due to a belief that only Israel can improve our condition. Our...

Doc Jazz: “Recht op Terugkeer is het hart van de zaak”

Doc Jazz: “Recht op Terugkeer is het hart van de zaak”

Een interview door de website Oh My Gaza. Vertaling: Musical Intifada Action Committee (MIAC)   Het is mij een eer Doc Jazz aan u voor te stellen, een trotse Palestijn die een nieuwe betekenis geeft aan hoe bewustzijn en solidariteit  in de wereld uitgedragen kan worden met betrekking tot de Palestijnse zaak.   Wat heeft u geïnspireerd om chirurg te...

Apartheid: some musicians oppose it, some condone it

Apartheid: some musicians oppose it, some condone it

As reported in earlier articles on this site, it seems like the world of modern music is becoming increasingly involved in the struggle against Israeli Apartheid. There are some artists who are taking courageous stands in challenging the musical establishment of the West, which is traditionally protective of the colonial Zionist project which calls itself the ‘state of Israel’. However,...

Dave Randall, composer of ‘Freedom for Palestine’, about opposing Israeli Apartheid

Dave Randall, composer of ‘Freedom for Palestine’, about opposing Israeli Apartheid

Original link: The New Age (Although the Musical Intifada mainly presents original articles, it occasionally posts articles from other websites) — On the band’s last tour to Israel, Faithless frontman Maxi Jazz and lead guitarist Dave Randall became acutely aware of the Israeli occupation and late last year – amid much public attention – Faithless cancelled its scheduled Israeli gig....