Tagged: doc jazz

Doc Jazz song directory

  This is the Doc Jazz song directory. Clicking on the name of the song will open a new window or tab that automatically streams the song and has links to lyrics, download, and widgets. The more often a link is clicked, the higher up it gets on the list. Doc Jazz’s recording skills improved over time, so you will...

NEW Doc Jazz song: Devil’s in the Detail

Only 12 hours after its release, the new Doc Jazz song ‘Devil’s in the Detail’ was seen to be making a powerful start by hitting number 4 in the Soundclick rock charts.   This is the first non-political song that Doc Jazz has written since 2008, and a strong start like this has surely exceeded expectations. What’s also different about...

NEW: Doc Jazz mobile app for Android

For owners of an Android phone there is some new functionality: a Doc Jazz mobile app! This app comes as part of a service provided by ReverbNation and can be downloaded for free.   There has been a Doc Jazz presence on ReverbNation for a few years now, but it has recently been updated. The main repository of Doc Jazz...

NEW: historical timeline of Doc Jazz’s Musical Intifada

The Musical Intifada has added a new feature to the website: a historical timeline powered by Dipity.com.   For those who are new to the website, it can provide a perhaps interesting insight into how things came about, and what brought us to where we are today.