Tagged: gaza

Doc Jazz

Four recent Doc Jazz music video uploads

Recently, four new Doc Jazz music videos were uploaded to the Youtube channel. What follows is an overview with some short descriptions. You can watch them right here! These music videos aren’t visually complex, in any way. No fancy video editing was done. Basically, they’re just already existing recordings that are somewhat less known. Each one of them features a...

Doc Jazz

The 10 most significant pro-Palestine Doc Jazz songs

Over the years, Doc Jazz has written, produced and published more than 110 songs online. Most of these can still be found in his Soundclick song repository. Most of these songs have the Palestinian struggle as their main theme, and the majority of these have been produced in one of the many existing musical styles of the West, in the...

Noura Erakat, in a screenshot from the film

Review: new short film ‘Gaza in Context’

Gaza, the continuing human tragedy, caused by fellow humans. Undoubtedly, we are all aware of the disastrous conditions of life there under the continuing blockade. Surely, you have also witnessed its devastating destruction of war, through the media and through your social media network. Repeated military campaigns by the Israeli army, aimed largely at its civilian population consisting mostly of...

Asmaa Seba

Gaza Seen By Its Children: Asmaa Seba’s amazing photography project

Imagine a traumatized child, whose spirit has been damaged by the horrors of war. Many such children exist in Gaza, especially after the 2008-2009 massive military onslaught upon the people by the Zionist state, which poured out bombs, white phosphorous and depleted uranium over a civilian population. A child that has seen the unimaginable happening right in front of his...