Tagged: hungry

Screenshot from 'Al Jeel Al Jadeed'

‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ was down, but it’s back again!

‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’, my new music video, apparently remains on the stormy track it has been on from the very birth of the song. Yesterday, due to certain circumstances, I have had to take the song down from Youtube and make a new edit for the video. The good news is: it’s online again! The bad news is, it...

'Hungry' was composed for Samer Issawi

Did ‘Hungry’ make a difference? Ask a Genie!

The Musical Intifada does not have a section where emails from fans and visitors are routinely published. After all, this site is not a ‘magazine’. However, I received an email from a fan that I found so thought-provoking that I decided to publish some of the communication here, with permission of course. The sender calls herself ‘Genie’, which apparently is...

Samer Issawi

Samer Issawi’s Brief van de Overwinning

Vertaling door Tariq Shadid – oorspronkelijke tekst in het Arabisch is hier te vinden. Allahu akbar wa lillahi el hamdAllahu akbar wa lillahi el hamdAllahu akbar wa lillahi el hamd (God is groot, geprezen zij God) Vooraleerst dank ik Allah voor deze overwinning, en voor de vrijgevigheid waarmee Hij mij deze geschonken heeft. Ik wil deze brief beginnen met het...

That Damned Fourth Reich – does ‘Israel’ qualify?

“Tariq Shadid’s music video Hungry is a great political rap song, reiterating and expanding the notion of hunger and the first to rhyme people with sheeple. It is marred by a refrain ’never charged, never tried by the damned fourth reich’. Israel is not comparable to the Third Reich. The Third Reich was powered by an annihilatory drive that began...