Tagged: intifada

Half a million views for All About The Benjamins on X!

Doc Jazz, Palestinian artist with a long-standing legacy of songs for the Palestinian cause, has made a comeback with unprecedented viewer outcomes: All About The Benjamins. A soul-penetrating work of art that stays with you after watching it – or should I say: undergoing it – this protest song kicks against the very roots of imperialistic and genocidal evil. Funky,...

Doc Jazz

The 10 most significant pro-Palestine Doc Jazz songs

Over the years, Doc Jazz has written, produced and published more than 110 songs online. Most of these can still be found in his Soundclick song repository. Most of these songs have the Palestinian struggle as their main theme, and the majority of these have been produced in one of the many existing musical styles of the West, in the...

Voices of Resistance: The Mixtape by FRFI, available now for download!

Doc Jazz has contributed his song ‘Intifada’ to the new mixtape ‘Voices of Resistance’, that was released on May 1, 2014 by Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism (FRFI) from Britain. Here follows their announcement. Voices of Resistance opens the stage to hear from revolutionary youth in Britain and around the world. Presented by the Britain-based activist organisation Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!,...

Doc Jazz song directory

  This is the Doc Jazz song directory. Clicking on the name of the song will open a new window or tab that automatically streams the song and has links to lyrics, download, and widgets. The more often a link is clicked, the higher up it gets on the list. Doc Jazz’s recording skills improved over time, so you will...