Tagged: israel

One Direction, Kim Kardashian: tweeting for Israel

One Direction, Kim Kardashian: tweeting for Israel

Normally, neither Kim Kardashian nor the boyband One Direction would be in my sphere of attention. I know that both have a massive following worldwide, and in fact, I don’t want to comment any further on that. I do not aim to insult people, and fear that elaborating on my opinion might be interpreted by some as such.   Sorry...

Evenement in Amsterdam op 12 mei: ’64 jaar Nakba? Niet normaal !’

Op 15 mei aanstaande viert de Zionistische staat Israel haar 64-jarige bestaan. De stichting van deze staat, die tot standkwam door massale landonteigening en de gewelddadige verdrijving van rond de 800,000 Palestijnen van huis en haard, wordt door Palestijnen de ‘Nakba’ genoemd, dat zoveel wil zeggen als ‘catastrofe’.   Deze catastrofe was geen eenmalige historische gebeurtenis maar is een praktijk...

‘Futile Dialogue’ : a Zionist strategy

By Tariq Shadid – The struggle for Palestinian rights has always been operating under tremendous pressure. The Zionist war machine has never ceased its expansionist drift ever since it forced its illegal roots into Palestinian soil in the beginning of the 20th century, and has never changed its modus operandi. It has always paired ruthless military aggression, ethnic cleansing and...

Review of Tariq Shadid’s book ‘Understanding Palestine’

By Sadika Arab – user review on Amazon – `Understanding Palestine’ is the kind of book you wish you had read years ago. It has all the right ingredients that make a great volume. It’s smart and sharp, opens your eyes to a new perspective, and challenges you to think. This is the kind of book that will get a...