Tagged: jewish

Palestinian flags

Khawaja take a back seat: Palestine speaks

By Tariq Shadid – Every nation with a colonial history is burdened by it to some extent: the ‘white savior complex’. So far, very few have emerged from their state of Western colonial subjugation into a phase of nationwide prosperity, peace and stability. Apart from the many factors that lie at the heart of these post-colonial challenges, including ‘neo-colonial’ corporate...

Natacha Atlas BDS? Great, but some criticism is due

All of us BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)-supporters undoubtedly are happy to see any artist join the boycott against the racist Zionist entity that calls itself ‘Israel’. Therefore, there is reason to applaud Natacha Atlas’ recent decision to cancel the performances that she had scheduled there. However, a closer look at this issue and this artist reveals that this enthusiasm...

By Means of Deception

“By means of deception, thou shalt wage war”. This motto of one of the most notorious secret services in the history of mankind, the Israeli Mossad, in fact forms the essence of the strategy of the entire zionist entity, ever since its inception in 1948. The principle described above is more sacred to the strategists of zionism than even the...