Tagged: music

Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz comes back: new beginnings

If you are a regular visitor to my website, a member of my Facebook page, or a follower on Twitter, you may have noticed that my Musical Intifada project has gone through a period of relative silence. Well – I am back now, and I want to clarify a few things about what you can expect in times to come....

'Hungry' was composed for Samer Issawi

Did ‘Hungry’ make a difference? Ask a Genie!

The Musical Intifada does not have a section where emails from fans and visitors are routinely published. After all, this site is not a ‘magazine’. However, I received an email from a fan that I found so thought-provoking that I decided to publish some of the communication here, with permission of course. The sender calls herself ‘Genie’, which apparently is...

Screenshot from Ask.fm

The ongoing interview: Doc Jazz on Ask.fm

I first ran into Ask.fm by seeing other Twitter friends answering questions on it, and seeing their answers pop up in their tweets. To tell you the truth, I found it rather silly. At some point however, I joined, just for the heck of it, probably in a moment of boredom. Since then, the number of Q & A’s has...

Music and emotion: a personal story

Music is a way to express human emotion, and most likely has existed in its basic form for as long as homo sapiens has been roaming this planet. It has been researched extensively; we know that listening to music has measurable effects on the human mind and body. It almost functions like a drug, which can be used in both...