Tagged: palestine

G.C.P.P.P congratulates Samer Issawi on his victory

  The Global Campaign for Palestinian Political Prisoners warmly congratulates Samer Issawi on his victory over the Zionist oppressors, against whom he waged the longest hunger strike in recorded human history in order to secure his release.   The struggle waged by Samer Issawi is of historic proportions, not only due to its record length, but also by the charismatic...

Hot Arab Music presents Al Jeel Al Jadeed – Doc Jazz

Hot Arab Music presents Al Jeel Al Jadeed – Doc Jazz

Reposted from Hot Arab Music – A number of young and frustrated Idealists from Gaza, Palestine found a new vehicle to channel their frustration with the political gridlock, the siege and their society. They made a Disco song that has some funk. Thanks to Doc Jazz, and the capable art direction by Shahd Abu Salama. I tell you these Gaza...

Palestinian flags

Khawaja take a back seat: Palestine speaks

By Tariq Shadid – Every nation with a colonial history is burdened by it to some extent: the ‘white savior complex’. So far, very few have emerged from their state of Western colonial subjugation into a phase of nationwide prosperity, peace and stability. Apart from the many factors that lie at the heart of these post-colonial challenges, including ‘neo-colonial’ corporate...

Samer Issawi in hongerstaking

Fictieve speech van Samer Issawi: Honger is mijn methode van strijd

Ik heb honger. Ken je dat gevoel? Natuurlijk denk jij dat je het kent. Het knaagt aan je maag. Het schreeuwt in je hoofd. Je voelt zwakte in je rug, en in je armen en benen. Het leidt je aandacht af van dingen die je aan het doen bent. Je wil alles laten vallen en gewoon iets gaan eten. Je...