Tagged: palestinian

Free song of the week: We Resist (Free Palestine)

Free song of the week: We Resist (Free Palestine)

This weeks free song is ‘We Resist (Free Palestine)’. In fact it is the newest song in Doc Jazz’s repertoire – if you don’t count the recent string of song remakes – and was written and recorded in the late fall of 2010. Click on the image or here to listen to the song, and click here to download it...

On Improving Pro-Palestinian Activism

On Improving Pro-Palestinian Activism

This article was written by Tariq Shadid (aka Doc Jazz) in 2002, during the time when he was a regular writer for the Palestine Chronicle. ZNet, the renowned progressive magazine, then republished it on their website. Although this short contemplative piece was written more than 8 years ago, much of it still rings true. There still is an urgent need...

Doc Jazz looks back upon 2010

Doc Jazz looks back upon 2010

The end of 2010 is nearing, quite shortly after the start of the Islamic new year 1432. It is obvious that the rhythm of day and night, moon cycles and earth rotations around the sun can be counted and numbered in different ways according to ones culture or religion. At work however, I am accustomed to entering the Gregorian date...

‘We’re the Dream Team of Arabic hip-hop’ – by Randa Safieh

In this article published in the November edition of Middle East magazine, Randa Safieh talks to some of the artists from the Lyrical Alliance collective, inspired by the legendary ‘Mu’Allaqat‘ poems, which performed in Camden last month. Last month Dash Arts and the Camden Roundhouse presented a collaboration of some of the most prominent Arab hip-hop heavyweights. It was a...