Tagged: protest

“All About The Benjamins”: embraced by the crowds, shunned by pundits

When I put out my song “All About The Benjamins” on X, I was pleasantly surprised: especially in the beginning, I was overwhelmed by the positive reactions. After a few hours, seeing this welcoming reception, I decided to set a goal of 1000 reposts. After a while, this high expection was contradicted by a perceived reluctance of high profile friends/followers...


Mohammed Al Qiq’s suspends second hunger strike

Mohammed Al Qiq, 34-year-old Palestinian journalist and political prisoner, made headlines last year with a hunger strike against his detention in 2016, which lasted 94 days. After calls from many human rights organisations, Al Qiq eventually made it out of prison alive. Rearrested On January 15th this year, Israeli occupation forces arrested Al Qiq again. They nabbed him while returning...

Mariam Barghouti arrested, trial postponed until Wednesday

Ramallah, Palestine – Mariam Barghouti, a 20-year old student, was arrested on April 11th at the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh. She was accused by two soldiers of the Israeli Barashot unit, that since recently has been deployed around the village, of having thrown stones at the Israeli army. This fabricated accusation was contradicted by many witnesses at the scene....

Free Samer Issawi t-shirt

Tools for your protests for Samer Issawi: t-shirt and poster

To enable you to express your support for Samer Issawi and the other Palestinian hunger strikers, we have made a few handy tools available for you. We hope that you are either in the process of organizing such a protest, or that you are at least thinking of doing so! Needless to say, the situation is urgent enough.   First...